Naturopathic Doctor
My patient is a 59 year old who has struggled with vulvar pain and painful intercourse for years and has always had a very sensitive area from a past episiotomy. She used the vSculpt exactly as instructed and has reported ‘nothing short of a miracle’ in her words. She feels...
The main reason I was seeking help was incontinence. I had to keep extra clothes at work in case I coughed or sneezed. I wasn't interested in the surgery option and I didn't find physiotherapy was making a difference. My friend told me about vSculpt and it has changed my...
Very easy to use, and enjoyable to use. Jumping jacks are no longer the enemy and I can jump on the trampoline with my kids!
Ever since I began using the vSculpt I have noticed a considerable change in my bladder leakage. I no longer have to wear a bladder leakage panty liner. We both notice the change and have found intercourse to be much more enjoyable. I am way more sensitive and he definitely...
I had not been able to have intercourse over the last MANY years without using A TON of lube and would always bleed for at least a day after. That is no longer the case. I have had very pleasant intercourse, on multiple occasions, without any lube. I no longer...
For years it was embarrassing - always worrying about leakage every time I sneezed, coughed, jumped, laughed too hard.... But vSculpt saved the day and gave me back my confidence! I no longer suffer from embarrassing leakage and I'm comfortable whatever the situation, wherever I am. Thank you vSculpt!